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Tips and Tricks: Five Online Resources for First Time Solopreneurs

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Help is right! As solopreneurs, we need help. When I was researching coaching, I realized that all of the resources I needed to be a solo entrepreneur were in different places on the internet. And I had to just find them anywhere I could. Lucky you! I've put the list together right here so you don't have to go fishing for it.

Bookmark the SBA page

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is dedicated to helping American small business owners. Their website is chock-full of resources for solo business owners. Do you have to register your business? What is your legal business structure? The SBA web page helps with everything from business structure to funding to's a wealth of knowledge for the small business owner.

Check out Legal Zoom

Legal Zoom is a very useful tool for small business owners. If you don't want to pay attorney fees and mess with mailing in documents, I highly recommend using this website. I used Legal Zoom to set up my business tax structure and my employer identification number (EIN). It was so much easier and cheaper than finding the right attorney to help me. Even if you don't end up using the paid legal services, Legal Zoom's website is filled with free legal information. It's a solid resource for solopreneurs.

Find A Mentor on SCORE

The Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) is a group of former business executives who understand your pain. They know where you are and where you've been. The SCORE mentorship program is a free resource for solopreneurs and entrepreneurs and a great benefit. SCORE offers mentorship opportunities to any citizen or permanent resident who owns a business or wants to start one. The interactions happen virtually so that you can communicate with your mentor via email, phone and video.

Maintain a Profile in LinkedIn

If you don't already have a business profile on LinkedIn, go create one right now! LinkedIN is a business-focused social media platform used by small business owners globally. LinkedIn was purchased by Microsoft in 2016 and they've made serious headway creating a space for professionals. It's a great spot to connect with many different people at one time and highlight your expertise as a solopreneur. One of the cool things about LinkedIn is all the free content. I go there at least once a week to find new trends and topics in the small business world.

Google, Google, Google

The internet's best search engine is also a must for solopreneurs and small business owners. You can not only list your business on Google, but you can use Google's many business tools help you navigate advertising, SEO, and marketing. Google My Business is a must for solopreneurs and small business owners. I love going into my Google My Business page to see insights about the demographics of my website visitors.

What resources have you found?

I'd love to know if you've found other helpful resources online for solopreneurs and small business owners! Write in the comments below if you've discovered a helpful website or article that would benefit other solopreneurs and solo entrepreneurs.

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